From the directors of Free Solo comes another film about extreme athleticism based on incredible real life events. At the ripe young age of 60, Diane Nyad attempts to make the swim from Cuba to Florida that she failed 30 years earlier. A swim through shark-infested waters without a protective cage. Before you dismiss this as another Speilberg-type salt water, dorsel fin schlock-fest (and Jaws was great, the ultimate summer schlock) let's remember who's directing Nyad. This is a film about the shared struggles and dedicated teamwork required for a solo athlete to achieve their goal. Fresh from a TIFF 2023 Gala presentation, Nyad stars Annette Bening in the title role, with Jodie Foster and Rhys Ifans.

"While a dedicated Bening gives her all in a tough, physically demanding role, deserving of at least another nomination if not necessarily a win, it's Foster who steals the film with a fine reminder of her easy charisma. We've barely seen the actor in the last decade, and before she makes her True Detective debut (a seemingly perfect match of actor and material), Nyad allows her to be a real person for once, a test that not many movie stars can ace quite this well. The pair have the chemistry of old friends and when they're on screen together and on dry land, Nyad is swimmingly good."
- Benjamin Lee, The Guardian.

Nov 1-9

Wed 1 @ 5:30PM

Thu 2 @ 5:30PM

Mon 6 @ 6PM

Tue 7 @ 7PM

Wed 8 @ 7PM

Thu 9 @ 7PM

Admission (tax incl)

Adult $14, Member $10